Saturday 24 September 2016

Textual analysis of existing products #3

Star Wars - The Force Awakens - Trailer


This film is set 30 years after the destruction of the second death star. Luke Skywalker is the only person still remaining and he is a Jedi, but has disappeared away from everyone who needs his help. Two new characters fin, who was a Stormtrooper, and Rey, who is an ordinary girl but has amazing powers of the mind, meet up out of no where to discover BB8 with a very important map. He firstly, discovers Rey near a junkyard settlement and Fin meets Poe BB8's master who was a prisoner and tried to kill the first order. Rey and Fin meet and they suddenly figure out what everything that is going on is to do with and what they discover is extraordinary. Following on from this, many well known characters from the old Star Wars movies are back in it again including Hans Solo (Harrison Ford), Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher). This gains a lot more popularity as the audiences know how good these actors act and they have also been involved in Star Wars ever since it started, this links in nicely to 'The Star System' because certain actors can be an important part of a films iconography.


For this trailer the Mise-en-scene is used very frequently throughout from the way each character is dressed, the props (especially the well known light-sabers), the lighting and the sound creates each character as an individual as they all have their own identity. Linking still to Mise-en-scene we also see Stormtroopers near the beginning as the costumes they wear stand out a lot as danger, towards making the audience wonder what is going to happen next? What are they planning? Also we see a unique Stormtrooper as he says "he has nothing to fight for" this suggests that he is against whatever is getting planned and is unique to all the others, as he is taking is life into his own hands by doing the right thing.

Camera Shots

Also at the beginning of this film trailer there is a close up of the character wearing a mask around their face, this shows that this person is in a humid environment trying to protect themselves from something or might want to even hide their identity at first so the fans can keep guessing towards who they think it might be. The Director might of done this to suggest that everything is calm and nothing dangerous is happening yet, to also link to this person's unknown identity dialogue is used from a character who asks "Who are you?" showing that she might be one of the new characters. We then as an audience see a long shot of this person, still not sure whether she is female or male yet and then when we hear her voice we know it is a female "I'm no one" suggesting that she feels as though she isn't unique in any way and the audience wonders why she might have said this. Is it because she doesn't want the attention? We then see her doing her day-to-day job with a medium shot in the next scene, suggesting she is minding her own business and just likes being on her own without an identity.


When we see all the main characters the music then picks up as the lighting is dark red representing something dangerous is just around the corner, this even have a symbolic meaning towards a someone getting killed, this foreshadows something unexpected is going to happen. We also have a close up of the dead Darf Vader, this shows that something treacherous is going to happen as there is a new villain involved. As well as this we see a man being tortured be we don't know what for, this then links to a destruction of a planet, giving a symbolic meaning that whatever this person is getting out of him it can only mean death and destruction is coming. On the other hand, diegetic sound is used when we see the Millennium Falcon and this gives the spaceship identity and we understand exactly what it is when we hear this well known sound. When we also hear the Star Wars music being used it shows all of the fighting going off and the camera is mostly aimed at the main characters, especially Fin as there is a tracking shot used of him to show everything that is going off around him but most of all it is now down to him to get everything sorted and stop this war for good. In addition, when more dialogue is used "the force it's calling to you" the audience doesn't know who this person may be as every character is shown at the same time it is said, this makes the audience want to find out by going to see the film at the cinemas or buying the film on DVD to see who this person may be.

Extra information

Overall, there is a lot of special effects used in this piece as it is a sci-fi film, often made by computer generated images (CGI) to create meaning. This helps make the film look like it is set in space and different worlds that we have never seen before, creating a picture of what exactly is going off without making it too confusing and this takes a lot of time and effort to get perfect plus a lot of money is paid out for special effects as well.

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