Wednesday 21 September 2016

Preliminary Evaluation

From what was created in my preliminary the things that went well was that we used many different shots to help each scene flow on and to be in sync with the music that is also being played in the background. Also there was a bit of humour that made it interact with the audience to understanding more about the dangers of being on a phone and not watching what you are doing, also you interact with anyone around you because you are clued to the phone. Following on from this, it did have long shots and medium shots within the piece to help the audience understand exactly what is going on and every image was in focus so you could see the writing as well on the different pieces of paper as the girl walked straight passed it all. However it did lack professionalization at the beginning when the bit of the video jumps to the character suddenly being in a different place, plus the planning as well wasn't well organised and as a group we all just made up what we were going to do.

For my main product there needs to a lot more time and effort put into research and planning and the actually film needs to be crisp and clear and easy to understand, as this is extremely important in getting the best grade possible. As well as this, I have also learnt that there needs to be more professional titling that doesn't look like it was rushed. Overall, I do think that this preliminary video was a lot better made than my last one at AS because I didn't zoom in to any characters to show emotion or have a wobbly camera either. By having help from a group of people as well helped it to be well organised and we all had different tips and tricks in filming the best preliminary we could possibly create.

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