Tuesday 20 September 2016

Textual analysis of existing products #1

Before I Go To Sleep - Trailer


This trailer is a psychological thriller based on its number one best selling book about a women who has severe amnesia whenever she goes to sleep remembering nothing the following day - this happened in her past from a serious accident. However, one day she discovers many terrifying truths and this questions her thoughts towards whether everyone around her can be trusted. Also she records all of this information she has discovered on a camera, so she can remember it the next day. Before I go to sleep is aimed at teenagers, making it stand out a lot more towards young adults rather than older as this film isn't too gory and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats wanting to find out more.

Camera Shots

Many close ups and extreme close ups are seen quite a lot throughout this trailer especially at the beginning when you just see a blood shot eye, suggesting this person is suffering from stress etc. also many movies or trailers often start with setting the scene with where the main action is taking place however this isn't used in this trailer. This puts forward the fact that the person is trapped in her own house and she has no idea about whether she is or not. In addition, she doesn't remember anything at all from the past. There is also many pan shots used to show where each character is and when the women is in the bathroom there is loads of pictures up on the wall and this shot is used to remind her each day of who she is and what her life was like in the past before her accident. Following on from this, black fades are used in the trailer to show past memories she might of forgotten but are starting to come back to her again in the present, and this also quickens the pace a lot more to show that someone did something horrific to her as there is a long shot of her in bed with another man. This man seems to be forcing a sexual relationship with her, showing that he is the person who attacked her but we aren't sure exactly who this person is as there is no identity seen. This type of scene links to a theory by Laura Mulvey and she attacks the way the dominant system in film presents only certain types of pleasure, arguing that the narrative of a fiction film creates images of women for the gratification of men. This is shown from the scene where the women is vulnerable in bed with a man, but she isn't forcing him away from her as she might have done it many times before.


Well known actors like Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth are involved in this movie making the film stand out a lot more due to the fact that many people who watch this have seen these actors/actresses before in other movies. Non-diegetic music is used to show confusion, this links in well with what happens in the movie as this women is confused and has no idea where she is every time she wakes up. Each shot is cut to keep the audience guessing what is going to happen next and this gives it more of a mystery towards what is going on. As well as this, the trailer is synchronous with the cut scenes that are being used, making it more scary and dramatic and this is shown throughout this trailer when it is slow at the beginning but as it get's to the more important parts these scenes move along quicker to make it look like they were never there and this again links in nicely with the plot. Dialogue is spoken clearly by the main actors that are involved in this production and the speech is often overlapped by different scenes not just one, and this focuses attention on what they are saying. Many of the audience members might be asking questions like why has the director set it out like this? What might be the significance of these cut scenes?


Finally, the bit that seems significant to show that she has forgotten her past life is when a long shot is used for when the phone rings. One of the main characters forces is heard here (Mark Strong) who is her doctor and he says "Christine, it's Doctor Nasch. You won't remember me, we've been doing some work on your memory. I'm not certain that Ben knows". This is said to let the audience understand a bit more about what is going on and what the women is doing with the Doctor, but even her husband doesn't know about this meet up which makes it suspicious.

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