Thursday 22 September 2016

Textual analysis of existing products #2

Pride And Prejudice And Zombies - Trailer


This film is set in the 19th century, where a mysterious plague turns the English countryside into a war zone of the dead. No one is safe as the dead are coming back to live from the black plaque that broke out many years ago. Elizabeth Bennet (Lily James) join forces with Mr. Darcey (Sam Riley), a handsome gentleman that doesn't listen to what people tell him to do. However, Elizabeth can't stand Darcy, but does respect how skilful he is at killing the death eating zombies. But they do unite when it comes to blood being soaked on the battlefield, so they can save their country once and for all. Also in this film many well known actors are used to help make it more popular to the audience, as the people have seen the celebrities before and they know that they have a lot of experience in this field and the director looks mostly for people who have a lot of experience to give the film the publicity it deserves.


In this trailer the women are dominant than the males as they know how to fight and have been learning to do so all of their lives, this symbolic code shows that the female has a higher hierarchy over the males as they can look after themselves and don't need a knight in shining army to help them when in danger. Also this links to Maslow's hierarchy theory, when the theorist mentions about physiological needs this is certainly shown in this trailer where the women needs physical requirements for human survival and in this case to fight and to also reproduce more humans to over power the zombies. Showing that the characters are trying to survive a zombie apocalypse without getting killed. The Mise-en-scene that is used in this trailer is mostly aimed towards the make up being used and the special effects of the zombie characters as this helps the audience to understand that these characters are evil and are only there to cause trouble and eat human flesh, the director as especially done this at the beginning to help the audience to pick out exactly what is going on. In this scene the zombie even has it's own sound that helps give connotations towards it being a zombie as the audience might of heard of this sound before.


Editing is used in this piece to show a montage of a series of shots and shows continuity of editing to make sure that the narrative that it is being spoken from the character flows on easily linking to each word that is being said "a women must have a thorough knowledge of singing, dancing and the art of war" when this is said from the character Mr. Dacey there are matched and jump cut scenes that flow from this speech to show exactly what happens in the story as this is key information leading up to a climax but we aren't sure what yet as the director doesn't want to give too much away to the audience. 

Camera Shot angles

Many shot types are used including an establishing shot at the beginning to set the scene towards exactly where everything is going to be set, and the day seems normal until there is something mysterious that happens and we then see a young girl with a medium shot opening her bedroom door, to then see a close up of the zombie which makes it unusual and makes the audience set up an array of proaeretic questions such as 'why is this happening?' 'Who exactly is this girl?' Linking to shot types there is a really brilliant point of view shot from the zombie when the main character Mr. Darcey cuts it's throat open and you can see all the blood coming out, I know this bit is gruesome but I really like how it is shot and might do something like this for my trailer.

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