Tuesday 20 September 2016

Decision for coursework idea

I have decided to do a trailer as I feel I am used to filming industry style pieces, I haven't decided exactly what genre I want to do yet, but I am going to be analysing existing trailers to help me decide on what type of genre I would like to do for definite. This links to the Todorov's Narrative Theory suggests that there needs to be potential opposing forces that are balanced. This then is disrupted by an event or problem that takes place with a character, and then this creates a series of events that happen to try and resolve the conflict. These difficulties are often solved to help make the characters live happy ever after and not have the audience worry too much about them, but for a trailer there will not be a ending as it will give too much of it away to the audience. Analysing these pieces will help me with how one should look and what makes a trailer successful to get people to go and see the film, also gives me a idea for what the stages are for post production to get people interested. In addition, from experience of doing my previous AS blog I know what type of things need to be improved for my A2 coursework to give me a higher grade, especially the fact that everything needs to be continuous and flow throughout making it easier for the audience to understand. Overall, these elements need to be used in my trailer, but not give too much away as the audience will discover the main plot when they go and see the film. On the other hand from this theory these key points need to be used to make it more exciting and not get the audience bored towards making them not go and watch it.

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