Monday 26 September 2016

How to create a brand image

From looking at the below hyperlinked website, the things that I need to look out for when it comes to creating a brand should include...
  • Have strategies towards what I want to do from the start, making sure that I create questionnaires to see whether my peers think it is a good idea or not and this will help me have a clear idea for what people want to make something successful. 
  • Need to work with a brief, do research on brands that are already out there and understand exactly what audiences like to see a trailer to look like for a specific genre otherwise it won't stand out
  • Know the audiences expectations
  • Check the competition for my coursework by getting ideas from what my other class mates have done or past year 13s work
  • Consider the bigger picture of the brand and don't just focus on the logo as it needs to all one thing
  • Don't ignore the target audience as you want the trailer to appeal to them 
  • Spot what everyone looks for as I want to connect with people that I am making my trailer for.

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