Tuesday 20 September 2016

How to make a dramatic movie trailer - example

From watching the above video I have learnt quite a lot of knew skills, even though it is an advert for using stock footage. It is very useful in showing how a film trailer should be made and the person in this video talks about the different shots that can be used to add effect with music to help it flow. For example there is a long shot of a person in the water looking like he is getting sucked into the deep blue sea, which is a turning point in the mood. He also used a really simple base line and added tones of distortion to it, and had the volume increase over a long period of time. Following on from this, it adds a high energy montage to add a bit of danger to some of the actors in this pretend movie trailer and this example is something that I could use to help me with the trailer that I am going to create myself.

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