Tuesday 27 September 2016

Stylistic Influences

From the textual analysis of the three trailers I found out that I need to make sure that a variety of camera shot angles, mise-en-scene and editing needs to be done precisely so the music and dialogue used flows correctly, plus at the same time not confusing anyone watching it. Also I will be using ideas like a POV shot from a character, as I really loved this from the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies trailer as it showed the point of view from the zombie as Mr.Darcey killed it and it was just filmed brilliantly, making it feel as if the audience members had all turned into a death eating zombie. As well as this, I have found out that the dialogue used links in really well with the scenes that are shown, to help make people understand a little bit of what is going on but not everything as they will see this when they see the actual film. Many trailers also start with an establishing shot to show where everything is set except from Before I Go To Sleep as this was supposed to show that she didn't know where she was; she kept forgetting everything the next day. This would then be understood by the audience that she can't remember her past life and something suspicious is going on in her present life.

My idea so far...

From learning what a trailer should look like, I would like to do something Horror or Thriller related as then I can add tension and make the target audience that I am aiming towards want to know exactly what happens. I will also have a lot of fun filming this by playing about with what type of Horror I want to do as there are many films out there I can look at and the same with Thriller movies too and I can give it my own identity. However I haven't come to a decision yet between both of these genres, so to help me make a decision I will start to look at both genres to then see which one is best for me to be able to film easily.

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