Saturday 18 February 2017

Ideas to help me with different titling for my trailer

Name of film titling ideas

By looking at the above images all of the titling links in really well with its genre and the narrative that is shown within the trailer, meaning that when I create my film titling for the trailer it needs to be relevant and show a clear indication of the type of narrative that is being expressed within the overall film. Otherwise it would be pointless to watch and the audience would get confused by what the titling is showing and would see it as unprofessional and won't go and see it at the cinemas.

End trailer titling

From the above titling this is used to show exactly when the film is coming out in the cinemas and often gives extra detail underneath that can include what there is to offer at the cinema in this case Real 3D and IMAX 3D suggesting that this film company spent a lot of money on producing, editing, filming and getting actors for this film and this is something that I need to think about when creating my final titling on my trailer.

From the two examples above I am thinking of merging this information about all the production companies involved, crew, actors and actresses at the bottom. However on mine I will be putting 'Coming Soon' and not add in a date as this allows to make the audience wait a bit longer and become more and more excited for when they officially find out the actual date it will be released.

Approved for audiences image at beginning of every trailer

Something like this above image is going to be at the beginning of my trailer as I have noticed a lot of trailers add this on, this allows the film companies involved with the production of the film to show the audience that it has been approved for their specific age group that it is targeted at and the film rating website have checked it over too, which backs up the information being given. This shows that the trailer is reliable and has been worked hard on for the intended target audience that it was created for, making it trustworthy for audience enjoyment.

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