Sunday 5 February 2017

How to create animation on Photoshop CS5 and Flash

Create an animated GIF in Flash and Photoshop CS5

Photoshop CS5:

  1. Get files in order, I need to use different created images that are a JPG format to be able to compose separate frames for a GIF and have them all in a folder together to make it easier to edit
  2. Open window animation and then it comes up with a timeline
  3. Make layers into animation frame
  4. Add the duration of the frame where you can change how long each frame is on for when shown as a GIF/animation
  5. SAVE work and add onto Final Cut Express


  1. Get all files that will be used together
  2. Create the animation, decide how long the animation should be and make sure the background layer is visible for the entire animation by selecting it then right clicking on the 120 mark in the timeline and selecting "insert frame" from the drop down menu
  3.  Test and edit animation
  4. export as GIF image or animation
From the above website I have discovered that I can use either of the two software available to create animation and I will try both to see which one I prefer.

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