Friday 20 January 2017

Using threshold on film poster - audience feedback

from using this tutorial I changed the image to a black and white effect as from my audience feedback they said that it would look better like this with the antagonist character in the background

More people preferred the black and white version but asked me to use a different effect to help make it see the important parts of the picture and that is why I used the threshold effect on photoshop, feedback is a follows:
  • Jodie and Mrs Fisher - Samantha text needs an effect e.g. glow behind it to make the text stand out, film reviews need to be around the image to make it look more like a poster, actors name needs to be in a different font because at the moment it doesn't look professional enough
  • Sam - have a change in threshold by making Sarah black and white then Joseph 

Below is evidence of taking the audience feedback on board so far, its not finished yet because need to change the title effects and the actors font:

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