Thursday 5 January 2017

Rough drawing for my poster ancillary product - draft

By creating this poster I am trying to creating a bit of a background story through pictures towards what might exactly go off in the film, when it comes to creating the real thing I will use Photoshop that offer many effects and I will make the brightness darker to show that something bad is going to happen. As well as this my piece will use the hypodermic theory, the theory suggests that that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by 'shooting' or 'injecting' them with messages designed to trigger a response and to get them thinking towards why it might have been used in a piece of text. This links in well as I have cleverly added a quote from the trailer "she is my girl" and this makes the audience wonder who might have said this and why, in this case the culprit is the antagonist. In addition, the above idea may change but this gives me an idea of how I want my poster to look and I will still be using the double exposure effect too.

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