Wednesday 11 January 2017

The Victims

By taking these pictures behind an object helps to create the feeling that the character has been following these people, also these pictures help the antagonist character to remember exactly what they look like for when he may find the right opportunity to get them. However, this won't be seen in the trailer as it only gives sneak peaks of what might happen without giving too much away. In addition, these aren't the main characters in the trailer and the character Samantha is the victim who will be focused on the most. 

There are many audience theories that help to create meaning and representations the first one is the effects model, this suggests that the consumption of media texts has an effect or influence on the audience and the power also lies within the message itself. As well as this, the images will create the feel of someone stalking people. Evidence for this is shown from this evil villain hiding behind anonymous objects, which helps create connotations by consuming what is seen in the image when shown on the trailer by my intended audience or a wider age group. This is incredibly noticeable by the way the pictures have been taken. Also another theorist that can represent these images is Stuart Hall (1970), when the producer (which is me) constructs a text or in this case a film trailer it is then encoded with a meaning or message that the producer wishes to convey, this is exactly what my idea was trying to put across by helping the audience to understand that these pictures have been taken without any suspicion or notice from the victims who are getting on with there day-to-day lives.

The person in the picture above is the main character Samantha, but this time the image won't have any crosses through it and will just have a circle around her head to show that it is his next victim. Also throughout the trailer the audience will notice that she is the main character as we will see her a lot throughout snippets of scenes that would have been taken from the film.

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