Monday 30 January 2017

Looking back at action plan

Above is the work that I have finished on my blog so far, just need to do two more important pieces of work and then anything extra to show my progress of my ancillary products and my trailer.

Monday 23 January 2017

organising footage for woods scenes

From the above I have organised the footage for the trailer that I am going to use for green, might use for orange and not going to use in red.

Friday 20 January 2017

Using threshold on film poster - audience feedback

from using this tutorial I changed the image to a black and white effect as from my audience feedback they said that it would look better like this with the antagonist character in the background

More people preferred the black and white version but asked me to use a different effect to help make it see the important parts of the picture and that is why I used the threshold effect on photoshop, feedback is a follows:
  • Jodie and Mrs Fisher - Samantha text needs an effect e.g. glow behind it to make the text stand out, film reviews need to be around the image to make it look more like a poster, actors name needs to be in a different font because at the moment it doesn't look professional enough
  • Sam - have a change in threshold by making Sarah black and white then Joseph 

Below is evidence of taking the audience feedback on board so far, its not finished yet because need to change the title effects and the actors font:

Thursday 19 January 2017

Shooting schedule #2

From the above information I have organised specific scenes for the woods, where I will be using this as reference for each important part in the trailer to help me keep everything organised on the filming day and not forget where I was when filming because I would have ticked this sheet off when finished.

Organising actress #2

From the above message is it is evident that I have organised when and at what time we are doing the filming and where exactly the filming is going to take place at. Also I made sure that the actress brought along earphones as this is key within the section of the trailer, allowing me to make sure that mise-en-scene is accurate and well planned out. As it is important to have all of the necessary props and clothing warn by the actors/actresses to show different personality traits and suggests whether this person is inside or outside.

writing out credit block - basic

From the above source, I used a template like this to get the credit effect when it comes to creating a poster so then it can stand out a lot more and look like a real film is being produced. Also if I didn't have this at the bottom the audience would see the film trailer as not being official and will then not go and see it.

Editing the poster using different effects

Above I used the exact same colour from the cross in the my girl text, this then allows the whole poster to be colour coordinated with red and black. Also by having the cross effect at the bottom can help the audience create ideas towards why this may be important because it does link really well with what happens in the trailer and what might even happen in the film, if it was created.

Above I have contrasted with the brightness to overlap the image to show both together by lightening the brightness to create a double exposure effect with both images, which was my aim from the start.

I wanted to change the effect of the cross to help make it stand out with a plastic effect to make it look a lot like blood, which links in well with the antagonist character who murders many people because of his mental health.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Weather Forecast for filming

I am wanting to film the scenes that are in the woods on Saturday in the morning with Sarah, as it is not going to rain and is the type of atmosphere I need to help the trailer look more like a Horror/Thriller genre. Also because I am working I can't do any filming for gone 4pm and it will be dark then as well so need to get filming in day time done as quickly as possible.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

organising images for poster and magazine

From the above organisation of pictures I have put the ones that I will be using in green, the ones that I might use but not sure in orange and the ones I really don't like in red so then I can easily pick out the ones I want to use when creating my poster or magazine.

Audacity - editing sound

From the above audio I have changed the tempo to help hide the identity of the antagonist character, so far I have changed:

  • change tempo = 20.001 - length 3.20 + 2.67
  • speed 1.061, percent change = 6.072
  • pitch = 1.000
  • amplify - amplification = 2.91
  • click removal - 244 = threshold, max spike width = 10
  • echo = delay time 4, decay factor = 0.7
  • leveller, degree of levelling = light, noise threshold = -20db
  • phaser stages = 10, dry/wet = 63, LFO frequency (Hz) = 1.2, LFO start phase = 40, depth = 76, feedback = -10
  • normalise = -2.0
From the above changes I have created a deep hard to crack voice that may change depending on whether it fits correctly with the character.

photoshop edits

Brightness /contrast

Above I have done some editing where I have changed the brightness and contrast of the image, this helps to create an ominous atmosphere for when the audience look at the poster and wonder what Samantha might be looking at. Also i have changed the colour of the paper that has been ripped to make it blend in a bit more with the background.


Above I have also changed the exposure to help the audience to quickly identify the genre as being a horror/thriller which connotes to the colour scheme used. In this case it seems to be darker than the picture that was taken, as seen below:

Idea taken from a film poster

From the image above I have used the idea of ripped paper below the picture of Tom hank as it links in really well with my trailer, also the audience can create an enigma code towards what might actually happen in the film. This is very useful when it comes to either creating a poster or magazine as it helps the audience interact more with the adverts that have been publicised, this then helps to persuade audiences to go and see the film.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Peer assessment

From the above word document I need to make sure that I start comparing exam board example, audit mark scheme and cross reference with my blog, provide R&P which evidences depth and discuss how audience feedback shapes my project. By getting this feedback I will make sure that I meet all of the improvements to help show skills and changes with evidence from what my intended audience think about my work and show how I am improving with other exam board examples and auditing mark scheme will help me greatly.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Samantha pictures for poster - Ancillary product

From the above images I have made sure that the background is easier to edit out for my ancillary product, which is the poster. I have changed the background from green to grey because I have discovered that the outline of the green is still seen around the actor (picture 1) and the decision to change the image have made made it easier to use the quick selection tool around this person and then delete the background to get smooth edges that don't look too green around the edges of the picture and then overall look professional and gets the audience to want to discover more.

The Victims

By taking these pictures behind an object helps to create the feeling that the character has been following these people, also these pictures help the antagonist character to remember exactly what they look like for when he may find the right opportunity to get them. However, this won't be seen in the trailer as it only gives sneak peaks of what might happen without giving too much away. In addition, these aren't the main characters in the trailer and the character Samantha is the victim who will be focused on the most. 

There are many audience theories that help to create meaning and representations the first one is the effects model, this suggests that the consumption of media texts has an effect or influence on the audience and the power also lies within the message itself. As well as this, the images will create the feel of someone stalking people. Evidence for this is shown from this evil villain hiding behind anonymous objects, which helps create connotations by consuming what is seen in the image when shown on the trailer by my intended audience or a wider age group. This is incredibly noticeable by the way the pictures have been taken. Also another theorist that can represent these images is Stuart Hall (1970), when the producer (which is me) constructs a text or in this case a film trailer it is then encoded with a meaning or message that the producer wishes to convey, this is exactly what my idea was trying to put across by helping the audience to understand that these pictures have been taken without any suspicion or notice from the victims who are getting on with there day-to-day lives.

The person in the picture above is the main character Samantha, but this time the image won't have any crosses through it and will just have a circle around her head to show that it is his next victim. Also throughout the trailer the audience will notice that she is the main character as we will see her a lot throughout snippets of scenes that would have been taken from the film.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

consent form

As seen above I have made sure that I have got consent from the people who are going to be in the film trailer, on my poster and magazine. But needed to make sure that they were happy with what I wanted them to do before starting all of the photography and filming process. The reason for this is that it is always helpful to get consent first instead of getting someone involved who doesn't exactly want to do it.

Monday 9 January 2017

Sending a message to actor #1

From the above messages that I have sent out to Joseph Bailey, the person who will be playing the antagonist character, I have given him exact detail towards when we are filming from the information that he has given me about when during school time he is available. Also we will be filming in an office room were the audience will see what the antagonist character with the mask is really up to and overall this shows organisation of actors. I asked him as well if he had any electric tea lights as I needed some to borrow but because he said no I bought some myself.

Risk Assessment

Sunday 8 January 2017

Shooting Schedule #1

I have created a plan for my first shoot that will be based in school and for the first part of my trailer I am going to film the dark lit room scene, as I need this to be perfect to add a sinister atmosphere so the audience then hate this character because he is up to no good. The other scenes will be filmed at some other time because I need to check with Sarah who plays Samantha with when she is available.

The classroom scene will hopefully be filmed on the 13th because I want it to look as realistic as possible with Samantha in school. This will be filmed in my Media lesson as well.


Friday 6 January 2017

Representations - theorists

From the above mind map I have put loads of theorists into different categories for representation, these include text, audience and institution. Also I will be trying to us more of these theorists in my posts to help me out with my exam.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Rough drawing for my poster ancillary product - draft

By creating this poster I am trying to creating a bit of a background story through pictures towards what might exactly go off in the film, when it comes to creating the real thing I will use Photoshop that offer many effects and I will make the brightness darker to show that something bad is going to happen. As well as this my piece will use the hypodermic theory, the theory suggests that that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by 'shooting' or 'injecting' them with messages designed to trigger a response and to get them thinking towards why it might have been used in a piece of text. This links in well as I have cleverly added a quote from the trailer "she is my girl" and this makes the audience wonder who might have said this and why, in this case the culprit is the antagonist. In addition, the above idea may change but this gives me an idea of how I want my poster to look and I will still be using the double exposure effect too.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Shooting plan

Above is my shooting plan that I will use with my script to help me organise my actors so the filming can then move smoothly without any errors, this shows that my organisation skills from AS have improved as I am trying to organise exactly how everything should be filmed without making up on the spot when it comes to the filming process.