Friday 25 November 2016

Storyboard - draft

Draft storyboard
Above I have done a draft storyboard but focusing on the narrative and plot at the moment for my trailer as this is important for my intended audience and I want to get this accurate for when I film.

Sarah's opinion

There needs to be establishing shots at the beginning with trees and the forest - no music needs to be played in these parts and there should be silence and then after this to make it creepy the record player should start playing the slow scary version. As well as this there needs to be scenes back and forth between the person with the mask and the young girl Samantha. After that, there needs to be close ups for the second to last clip of the man with the mask saying "She will never get away from me, she is my girl!" then near the end the picture of Samantha needs to be shown. However, to show different parts of a film there needs to be a bit evidenced where Samantha tries to get away from her kidnapper, but at the same time doesn't give anything away whether she does or not. Finally, needs to be less like a short story and jumbled up a lot more so the audience have to watch the film to know what order it goes in.

Sam Howard's opinion

Too much like a short film and needs to have snippets of bits of scenes from the film, as if I have actually made a blockbuster film, without giving too much away.

Mrs Fisher's opinion

Attempt to repair something but not show an exact happy ending and to also do more research on filming at night. Like the other ideas from Sam and Sarah there needs to be more snippets from the film to make it more exciting.

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