Wednesday 23 November 2016

Questionnaire and results analysis

From the above many people don't enjoy most Horror trailers and that is why I have come up with the idea of making sure it isn't too scary and shows two genre elements of a Horror and a Thriller trailer. As it would be a lot more easier to present a 15 rating, without the extremely scary elements with blood guts and gore from Horror.

Mainly needs to be 3-4 minutes long showing snippets of exciting parts of the film. Also even though my intended audience suggested they like US films, my trailer won't represent any particular region/area.

Even though there is mixed opinions, 4 people really like a Horror genre and even though 3 people liked the Thriller genre I am going to use this genre in the trailer too. Also many people prefer a good narrative to the trailer as this will help them to become more likely to watch the film, linking to Todorov's Narrative theory of most narratives starting with a state of equilibrium in which life is normal, this is then disrupted and fought against in order to return to a state of equilibrium and I will try and show bits of this in my trailer while remembering to not give everything away.

In my trailer the antagonist will have an unknown identity as that is very popular from my intended audience, the antagonist should be shown but briefly or hinted at and finally I am not going to use a predictable scary location and it will be unconventional and not expected or seen in the trailer.

Fianlly, I will use a voice over to help the audience understand exactly what is going on giving little tiny hints a long the way and this sets up an array of proaeretic questions such as "will the young girl ever get away from this person?" and "Who exactly is the unknown person?".

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