Sunday 13 November 2016

Differences between Thriller and Horror trailer

From looking at both pieces the difference are:
  • Horror has people who get possessed and sometimes the crucifix is involved to get rid of bad spirits
  • Thriller genres often use the police and Horror movies use a lot of violence that creates an atmosphere of everyone being helpless
  • Horror movies are set in an isolated places and Thrillers can happen anywhere
  • Fast and loud music is often used in a Horror trailer to create tension
  • Violence in a Thriller trailer is not as horrific as a Horror trailer and they shouldn't give too much away
From what I have learnt I will try and do a Horror/Thriller trailer, as this would be a lot easier because I don't want too much blood cuts and gore involved in it as it would be difficult to do and won't meet the audiences needs. I have also created a questionnaire to help me to decide exactly what the plot will be like including key characters and their characteristics.

The above idea links in well with the Steve Neale theory where genres are instances of repetition and differences, this is proven from above because some genres are shown in a similar way and from a Horror and genre perspective they create suspense. often dark and eery music is used and it is dark and dull throughout to create a sinister atmosphere. But there is always a difference as well - this helps the audience become more interested. Finally, it also links to Miller's theory with the perception of genres being different when it comes to the audiences point of view for genres and their may be specific ones that are preferred more than others.

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