Thursday 20 October 2016

OCR coursework brief

From the above website I have learnt that in this A2 coursework there needs to be:

  • Planning and research evident on Blogger (this is worth 20 marks)
  • Production Portfolio 2 x Ancillary (10 marks each) and main task (40 marks)
  • Evaluation (20 marks)
  • Main task: Film and edit a trailer
  • Ancillary Task 1 = Design new independent film magazine front cover featuring promoting the film
  • Ancillary task 2 = design a film poster promoting the film
Throughout my research and planning I will be making sure that I understand how a trailer should look like and what it can and can't show. Also I will be explaining in more detail about the package of a whole film giving evidence for each and individually looking at film posters, magazines and trailers so I have a organised game plan of exactly how I want to come about making my overall product.

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