Wednesday 5 October 2016

Filming at night

From the above tutorial I have learnt that if I want to film my trailer at night then it needs to be on the correct camera focus and there needs to be enough light flowing through the camera so you can see the image, this may mean that when I film I will need to use lighting that is effective with what is going off in bits of the trailer. This may be by using a key light (highlights the main object), fill light (softer than the key light and lessens shadows around the subject), back light (placed behind the subject, creating a silhouette effect), high key lighting (reduces the amount of contrast, creating a happy scene) or even Chiaroscuro (contrast between light and dark and creates depth and volume). These will be useful to think about too by having different pieces of light, this can help add effect towards what is going on a piece of footage and this video helps me a lot towards how to film at night professionally.

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