Sunday 23 October 2016

Having another look at my action plan

From looking back at my action plan for the second time I have added more posts on my blog, showing that I have good time management skills and also by doing all of these posts it allows me to get enough information and findings as possible because this helps make my trailer the best it can be.

Note to self month/day/year

Thursday 20 October 2016

OCR coursework brief

From the above website I have learnt that in this A2 coursework there needs to be:

  • Planning and research evident on Blogger (this is worth 20 marks)
  • Production Portfolio 2 x Ancillary (10 marks each) and main task (40 marks)
  • Evaluation (20 marks)
  • Main task: Film and edit a trailer
  • Ancillary Task 1 = Design new independent film magazine front cover featuring promoting the film
  • Ancillary task 2 = design a film poster promoting the film
Throughout my research and planning I will be making sure that I understand how a trailer should look like and what it can and can't show. Also I will be explaining in more detail about the package of a whole film giving evidence for each and individually looking at film posters, magazines and trailers so I have a organised game plan of exactly how I want to come about making my overall product.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Film poster analysis #3

When analysing this poster I won't have as much money to spend on my poster that I am going to make and definitely won't use CGI or SPF as this is too expensive. But this poster is really useful in giving maybe an idea of what the film may be about and it is also very simple to figure out that it is a sic-fi adventure film.

Self Assessment feedback on R&P

Above is the self assessment that I have filled out and my teacher has filled out too and from my teachers feedback I have found out that I need to make sure that I proof read all written responses, concepts and theories as possible, compare work to exam board examples, audit mark scheme and cross reference with the blog and improve structure of textual analysis by using sub-headings. By understanding what needs improving, I will make sure that I will do these improvements to help make my coursework sound and look professional. 

Film poster analysis #2

From looking at this poster I have figured out that lighting used is important to distinguish what exactly the film is going on, in this case it shows that darkness is coming but our only hope is Harry Potter and I will be using this type of idea for my overall coursework.

Film poster analysis #1

From analysing this poster I have discovered that the poster uses images relating to what happens in the film and usually the main actors are on the poster too, by doing this analysis it gives me some ideas on what I should do for my Horror poster.

Friday 14 October 2016

Industry regulations for a film

Used the above information from my AS coursework as it is relevant to help me give an age group for the audience I am wanting to aim my trailer at, at a later date I will identify specifically what audience I am going to aim my trailer at.

Downloading classification study - audience feedback from a secondary source:
From the above link I have discovered that many audiences don't watch something if it hasn't been approved with the specific age group that have been approved to watch it, and this helps me to discover how people choose what film they want to look at and how it may be syntactically packaged determines whether the person wants to buy it or not. Also this data is right as it uses the adults who are concerned about the age rating and doesn't talk about the youngsters who illegally download or don't care what the age of the film is, so really they haven't asked the most important age group which are mostly teenagers.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Semantic/Syntactic approach on filming - Altman (1984)

Above I have analysed exactly what audiences may expect a film trailer to look like and what things need adding to keep them guessing, thinking about the location and plot I want to not give too much away and then ruin exactly what happens and I need to make sure that the genre is shown throughout this trailer to give the product a package and identity.

Analysing film package

From the above analysis I have figured out that when creating a package for the film every little detail like the poster and the magazine needs to link in with exactly what goes on in the trailer, so then it can get the different audiences to guess exactly what might happen in the film and each bit of it needs to show the most important parts of the film to get audiences to go and watch it. But most of the films mostly use well known actors to get the publicity up to a high amount and this allows the director to show off these actors when it comes to advertisement, the reason being many films become popular due to the fact that they have actors that have been doing films for a long time and know what they are doing and this makes the film brilliant to the watching audience. However, I won't be able to include this as I can't afford to get well known actors and instead I will be using my friends and family instead in the trailer.

Trailer for Inception:
Trailer for Avatar:
Trailer for The Day of the Doctor - Doctor Who:

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Audience Effects Theory

From creating this above video I am going to use these theories when it comes to identifying my audience and to also make sure that I understand exactly what each one means, as this is important when I want to know what audiences like and how they may interpret different pieces of texts or film etc. that have been created throughout the film industry.

Saturday 8 October 2016

Example on how to categorise a specific audience

From the above I have found out that there is many categories that different groups of people go in and this will help me identify my specific audience. For example, I will know what they like to do, where they may live what they wear etc. and use the example picture above to make an all round decision on the appropriate audience for the Horror trailer I want to do.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Audience feedback - expectations of Horror trailer

Filming at night

From the above tutorial I have learnt that if I want to film my trailer at night then it needs to be on the correct camera focus and there needs to be enough light flowing through the camera so you can see the image, this may mean that when I film I will need to use lighting that is effective with what is going off in bits of the trailer. This may be by using a key light (highlights the main object), fill light (softer than the key light and lessens shadows around the subject), back light (placed behind the subject, creating a silhouette effect), high key lighting (reduces the amount of contrast, creating a happy scene) or even Chiaroscuro (contrast between light and dark and creates depth and volume). These will be useful to think about too by having different pieces of light, this can help add effect towards what is going on a piece of footage and this video helps me a lot towards how to film at night professionally.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Looking at examples of Horror trailers

From the above trailers I have discovered that many of them start off happy and jolly and it is just a normal average day and then hell breaks loose, this shows that the director wants the audience to feel calm and then out of the blue something unexpected to happen. This shows exactly how Horror trailers are created and the audiences expectations then start to increase towards what might happen when they go and see it, plus I will be using some of these examples to help me with my trailer as they show a really good style for the genre and give me great ideas for the plot that I want to create.