Sunday 5 March 2017

feedback from peers on overall work so far

Person 1


  • "She is my girl" is too close to the title and the photo and it would look better if there is more space because it looks too squashed
  • The text is too close to the top of the poster
  • If I want to ratings think about repositioning the items on the page


  • Have a more exciting background
  • Date, issue number and time are too big - magazines have them smaller
  • The white text in the MacBook Air prize is not clear enough
  • The colour blue looks out of place and maybe use it more in your magazine


  • Special effects are not in stereo and only come through in one headphone - camera click
  • First bit of onscreen text is too early on ad should be later in the trailer
  • go over everything and make sure that whenever you edit the scenes they cut to the beat of the song
  • Go some editing so it looks more like a trailer - decrease saturation e.g. give it a film look
  • Change the aspect ratio to make it look more like a film
  • Make sure all the sound levels are equal

Person 2


- Its good however the font for the names of the actors need changing
- Change the background and get a better image for the background


- Change the font to link with the poster


- Colour correct the trailer to make it look more professional
- Distort Josephs voice to make it an unknown voice

From getting feedback from other people I am going to take this on board and make a few tweaks to my work to help meet the needs of my peers, as this feedback is very important. 

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