Tuesday 20 December 2016

Setting and Location

Masked Man scene

The above room is the scenes that I will use for when the man with the mask is looking at his pictures that he has taken and this is also his secret hide out. Also I made sure that the atmosphere was in a way calming to link with the idea that this antagonist character is a normal person with issues associated to murdering people. In addition, linking to the Propp theory I wanted to show that the person in these scenes was a danger to the innocent Samantha when it comes to the sound change in the scenes and causes a disruption in Samantha's safety.

The woods scenes

From these pictures above I wanted the audience to see that Samantha was walking home from school (evidence from mise-en-scene references, black trousers and a back pack) and minding her own business by sitting down and admiring the wildlife around her and taking her headphones out. Also using this location allows there to be created an eery atmosphere of loneliness and innocence, from the narrative theorist Todorov suggests that most narratives start with a state of equilibrium in which life is 'normal' and happy and this shown from the beginning scenes where she walks down the woods minding her own business by having everything calm and silent and then something unexpected happening which will be the antagonist character attacking her then trying to get away. 

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