Friday 30 December 2016

Character profiles

TV static noise for opening titles

The above sound is what I will be using for my opening titles as it links in well with the sound of the antagonist character as he sounds like a robot, I am also thinking of it starting of in the dark lit room and this character playing the music that goes really slow for a little bit then this sound kicks in to show the name of the film.

Trestle mask for antagonist character

I am wanting to use one of these trestle masks for my antagonist character, who has an unknown identity and a robotic voice. This then helps to create a sinister atmosphere because by wearing this the person then becomes more creepier and up to no good, this in turn helps the audience to understand portray this character as the villain who is gonna make someone's life living hell. As well as this by having a creepy looking face like the one on the bottom left helps to create a picture of what might be going on in this persons head and we will know that the antagonist character is a male by the way he is dressed but every other personality trait is unknown.

Monday 26 December 2016

Looking back at action plan

From the above I have looked back at what I have done so far for my coursework and I am nearly ready to start filming, as I have done a lot of research and planning to help me film to a high standard.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Setting and Location

Masked Man scene

The above room is the scenes that I will use for when the man with the mask is looking at his pictures that he has taken and this is also his secret hide out. Also I made sure that the atmosphere was in a way calming to link with the idea that this antagonist character is a normal person with issues associated to murdering people. In addition, linking to the Propp theory I wanted to show that the person in these scenes was a danger to the innocent Samantha when it comes to the sound change in the scenes and causes a disruption in Samantha's safety.

The woods scenes

From these pictures above I wanted the audience to see that Samantha was walking home from school (evidence from mise-en-scene references, black trousers and a back pack) and minding her own business by sitting down and admiring the wildlife around her and taking her headphones out. Also using this location allows there to be created an eery atmosphere of loneliness and innocence, from the narrative theorist Todorov suggests that most narratives start with a state of equilibrium in which life is 'normal' and happy and this shown from the beginning scenes where she walks down the woods minding her own business by having everything calm and silent and then something unexpected happening which will be the antagonist character attacking her then trying to get away. 

Thursday 15 December 2016

Final storyboard without titling

From the above storyboard I have come up with the overall narrative as this is extremely important for my intended audience, I have also tried to make sure that there is evidence of a disjointed narrative that may not be in the order of the actual film if it got created.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Fonts for title of film

From the above information I have decided to go for font three as it links in very nicely to one of main antagonist characters who will have a robotic voice to make more eerie and create tension throughout the trailer.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Practice go at doing double exposure

from the above image I have done it step by step to the YouTube video that is shown below, but I then changed the brightness to vivid light to show the contrast between big ben and the main person in the image and by doing this practice run I am going to try and do something like this for my film trailer poster overall for my ancillary product.

Saturday 10 December 2016

Example of a character profile

From looking at the above video I have discovered that you need to think a lot about the tiny details of the character and the personality traits that they have throughout the film or in this case in a TV Drama 'Game Of Thrones'. Also even though one of my characters might not show their identity I will still show the personality of this person and also show personality traits, likes and dislikes etc. of Samantha as her identity is not hidden. This links to the Propp theory where typical characters need to be put into different categories:
  • Hero - a character that seeks something
  • Villain - who opposes or actively blocks the hero's quest
  • Donor - who provides a object with magical properties
  • Dispatcher - who sends the hero on his/her quest via a message
  • False hero - who disrupts the hero's success by making false claims
  • Helper - who aids the hero
  • Princess - acts as the rewards for the hero and the object of the villains plot
  • Her Father - who acts to reward the hero for his effort
In my trailer there will be a villain, however there won't be any clear evidence of a hero as this then effects the whole plot of the film and I want to show ambiguity and make the audience guess what might happen, so they then go and watch the whole film. As well as this, I need to understand exactly what my character wears, likes and dislikes and all of the other important features that they may portray but not show too much to the audience because all they are interested in is the narrative.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Survey - possible name for my film trailer

Overall for the name of my Film trailer I have gone for "Samantha" as this creates an enigma code towards who might be in the film and why this name may be significant. From doing this questionnaire with my peers, they thought this name would be the best as it gives connotations towards this girl being the main character. Also, it got a total of 5 overall and I decided not to name the trailer"My Girl" because there is already a film out their called this and I wanted something different to be used so it would make the product unconventional and stand out to the public. 

idea for ancillary poster

Double exposure examples:


Step-by-step instructions on how to make a double exposure picture:

From these examples and tutorial I have come to a decision that I will do this for my poster as I can have two contrasting features from elements of the film and this also links to postmodernism of Bricolage, which refers to the adaption of improvisation where aspects of one style are given quite different meanings when compared with stylistic features from another. Also I will add two of the main characters in one picture to show two different personalities and to make the audience wonder who the person may be in the background using the double exposure technique and this gives the poster two meanings.

Monday 5 December 2016

Trailer examples - full marks

From looking at the above trailer it shows shooting material that is appropriate to the trailer task that this person decided to do and it includes controlled use of the camera, very high attention to framing the different scenes by focusing on the different issues at hand rather than on a particular topic and giving 
  • shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot sizes and close attention to mise-en-scene
  • editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions, captions and other effects
  • recording and editing sound with images appropriately.
This has helped me to understand exactly what a trailer on the top mark sheet band needs to look like and I will use this example to help create a trailer that goes with its connotations of how a trailer should be shown.